Juried Exhibitions
In Here + Now, the 21 featured artists utilize methods of documentation and performance to communicate the conditions and stories of their time through the lens of self-portraiture. Here + Now, a national exhibition, is juried by Francine Weiss, the senior curator at the Newport Art Museum.
This exhibition presents the work of 20 New England-based artists whose art engages and subverts the still life genre. Using painting, drawing, photography, video, sculpture, multimedia, and digital rendering, the featured artists engage with contemplations of the past and the future, depicted through objects. objectivity is juried by artist Josephine Halvorson.
Chasing Light, a regional online exhibition, features the work of 31 artists from across New England who utilize light as material or subject matter. This show is juried by Leah Triplett Harrington, curator for Now + There and editor-at-large of Boston Art Review.
EMERGE 2020: Graduating Fine Art Students of New England, a regional juried exhibition, features the work of twenty artists who are graduating or expected to graduate from a New England-based fine arts program during this unprecedented time. Celebrating artistic innovation and thoughtful production, this exhibition features a range of media, including video, sound, painting, sculpture,…
WILD features the work of twenty-eight artists who explore human existence with nature in a time of planetary change. This national group exhibition is juried by Jane Winchell, the director of Peabody Essex Museum’s Dotty Brown Art & Nature Center.
Free Form, a exhibition organized by BLAA, seeks to unburden queer & trans artists from the pressures of representation while still celebrating and amplifying our marginalized voices.
In, PLACE(HOLDER), a group exhibition juried by Greer Muldowney, artists consider their relationship to cities.