张芸嘉 Wendy Yunjia Zhang Interview
Learn more about 张芸嘉 Wendy Yunjia Zhang in an interview for Pearl.

张芸嘉 Wendy Yunjia Zhang was born and raised in China. She is currently pursuing her BFA and BA in Studio Art, Art History, and Psychology at Tufts University and the School of the Museum of Fine Arts. She is a meticulous flâneur (urban wanderer) and a spontaneous architect. She enjoys using alternative photographic processes, graphic design, illustrations, and artist’s books to explore the relationships between people, cities, dwellings, and “home.” Her works blur the boundaries between public and private spaces, evoking a natural instinct for gazing and “peeping” in the most ordinary contexts and images.
Artist Statement
My cyanotype series “foreign land” was created when I peered into windows at Thanksgiving night as an outsider and took photos of other’s interior with no trace of human activities. By printing the images through cyanotype, I reconstruct the foreign lands and attempt to claim them as my domestic space. In my pinhole photo series “everywhere home,” I wandered on streets with several self-made pinhole cameras and built “home” at random locations. With the box of the pinhole camera as the “home,” its aperture as a window, I redefine the interior of the “home” with its exterior. “everywhere home” invites viewers to enter their new homes, observing and reconstructing the space in both 3d and 2d, inside and outside.
Instagram: @wendy._.z
images of work