Camilla Kathleen Campos Maloney

In this ongoing series of small works on paper I am exploring my escapist tendencies and how they relate to my fears of vulnerability. These abstracted female figures are products of my ego attempting to observe itself. I am compelled to create these images of frantic, seemingly feral women because it allows me to express specific aspects of myself that I struggle to put into words.

Instagram: @camillakathleencamposmaloney

images of work

The Clutz, gouache and acrylic on paper, 11 x 11 inches
The Performance, gouache and acrylic on paper, 11 x 11 inches
The PGF, gouache and acrylic on paper, 11 x 11 inches
The Fool, gouache and acrylic on paper, 11 x 11 inches
The Wanderer, gouache and acrylic on paper, 11 x 11 inches