Juried Exhibitions
In Future Craft, the exhibiting artists reconsider and reinterpret the handmade as a futuristic ideal.
Bent & Borrowed is an online-only exhibition that explores the nuanced practice of appropriating artworks, images, and ideas within contemporary artistic expression.
Eat With Your Eyes is a national group exhibition juried by contemporary art scholar and educator Silvia Bottinelli.
Face is a national group exhibition juried by Anthony Peyton Young. In Face, more than 20 featured artists exhibit work that challenges the tradition and explores the potential of portraiture.
New Language: Contemporary Abstraction is a national survey of abstract art.
Hand Me Down is a national exhibition juried by LaiSun Keane, owner of LaiSun Keane Gallery. In Hand Me Down, the exhibiting artists present work that documents and enlists inherited or cultural materials and objects.
bittersweet, a national group exhibition, is juried by Vanessa Leroy, a photographer and photo editor based in Massachusetts. In bittersweet, the featured artists present work that considers wellness and self-care in an ever-evolving world.
In A Long Line, the 18 featured artists present work that considers familial connections, whether the representation is genealogical or more broadly defined. A Long Line, a national group exhibition, is juried by Erika b Hess, a painter, the host of the I Like Your Work podcast, and a curator.
In Tip of the Tongue, the selected artists utilize language as form and function. Tip of the Tongue is a national exhibition juried by Santiago Cucullu.